
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pointy Sleeve Dress


Two weeks ago I tried to customize a pattern.
Really, I did envy all ladies out there who have made cute things with their own drafted pattern.
So... I pushed my self a little harder to work it out. My girl should be able to wear this dress on Sunday.
It was simplicity pattern that I have been used in making dress for my girl all this time. I used its bodice pattern as a guide to draw my own one.
The main idea was I wanted a simple A line dress with a small cap sleeve and a big pocket on the front (I always have problem with sleeve, though...sigh)
Okay, I went like this for the upper bodice:
  1. I traced the bodice onto a paper.
  2. For the cap sleeve, I drew a straight line extending the shoulder line about 1.5 inches
  3. I marked the arm hole about an inch up from the bottom arm, and then I connected this to the end of the first line I drew. And I smoothed its corner by curving it a little bit. (I missed something out here, the dress would speak)
  4. I cut down the length of the bodice to an inch from the bottom arm hole.
Front bodice: on the left was the original pattern
Back bodice
For the skirt I just make a slight A line. I wanted it as a top so it's about 8 inches in length.
Skirt: slight A line

I picked this love yellowish fabric for the skirt and red polka dot for the bodice.
The sewing was taken on Sunday...after I prepared meals for the whole family. Perhaps this was the fastest dress sewing I ever did, after the peasant dress. (Well it's took few hours work though....hahaha)
And here it is

Front view

Back view
For the closure I used 3 buttons with elastic loops. At first I planned using regular button holes, but time's ticking. (The original pattern called for zipper for closure) and I also skipped the pocket idea.

Did you notice something odd with this dress? I did.
1. The sleeves. If you took a look from the top you'd see it. It's pointy rather than curved
2. The up side down pattern on the front skirt.
I did not plan on that.  Lesson learned.

Anyway the dress was nicely fit on my girl. And we're having a great afternoon that day with a new dress fresh from the sewing table :)

Have a great day everyone

Make It and Love It

Monday, May 5, 2014

Pretty Clutch


I have a new clutch...Errrr...What so special with that?
Remember this wallet? It's THE ONLY everyday wallet I have. Can't you believe that???
Well, I was planing to use only my handmade for my things, but poor me, I didn't have time was too lazy to make things. Most of the time I make thing when I need it. And yes, I need it now. This wallet really need some wash. On top of everything, I need to practice what I have learned from books and from great people out there who have willingly and kindly shared their knowledge.

For this clutch I used the tutorial from this book. For the fabric I used local canvas fabric for the outer and cotton for the lining. I was (still) experimenting on the interfacing. I used several types of interfacing for this clutch.

Two buttons?? Well...I did not plan on that. It was my hubb brilliant idea. He found me crying, screaming desperately knowing I mistakenly measured when installed the button after a long 3 hours working. He gave me the idea to install new button instead of replace the main body and used the old one for an accent. Brilliant!!

This clutch has 3 card slots, zippered pocket and 2 roomy compartment for cash, bills, and my cell phone. And my own label ;)

 Though it was not perfect, I was pretty pleased with the result as it was my first trial.
 And definitely will sew more. Practice makes perfect, right?!

Have a nice day